Zephyr MK III



New ES Series DEMS design : Click to learn more about these cartridges!

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Orders@sound-smith.com or 1+914 739 2885

User Manual(s) and alignment information:

Zephyr_MKIII_ES.zip<-(click link)

ZEPHYR_MK_III_ES_MONO.zip<-(click link)

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Select location for shipping fee amount, we can ship up to three items under the shipping fee, use the Additional Item option for 2nd or 3rd item, if you have already the shipping fee in your basket

 [read more click here]

"Subject: Wow, just wow!

To the great people at Sound-Smith,I finally managed to get my turntable back up and running, and I’m positively delighted at how wonderful my Zephyr MK III sounds!" [read more click here]

"Not long after my conversation with Peter Ledermann, a neat little wooden box with a clear acrylic top showed up at my door. Secured inside the box was the beautiful Zephyr MK III ES cartridge. I really mean that. It's a beautiful audio object. The body is a sapphire blue and the top cover is gold. It just looks cool. Also contained in the box, was a key-shaped flash drive containing the manual and set-up information. I love this kind of presentation because it shows the manufacturer's pride in their product. Mounting and aligning the Zephyr MK III ES on the RB330, was a snap. The headshell and cartridge matched like they were made for each other. After several hours of break-in with the Cardas Audio Frequency Sweep and Burn-in Record, I was ready to do some listening. " [read more click here]

"I love the fact that I can get this level of performance from a phonograph cartridge without needing a step-up transformer to accomplish it. It's a satisfying and liberating feeling!

I think the new Zephyr Mk III phonograph cartridge at the heart of your audio system would be a superb choice, and as such I heartily recommend it to you." [read more click here]

"Why are other manufacturers bothering with anything else?" [read more click here]

"The purpose of this e-mail is to follow up with you and let you know how elated I am with your cartridge!  ... Unbelievable and just getting better!" [read more click here]

Made in  the USA. Rebuild Price? ~  $299 ~ Only 20% of MSRP, as always ! - The Zephyr MK III features a 2 year warranty to the original owner.

(* as well as Zephyr and Zephyr MK II)

The new Zephyr MK III is a unique blend of Soundsmith designs being a low compliance, high output design compatible with MM preamps. It has achieved what no other Soundsmith cartridge has done since its inception; rapid recognition as a leading force in phono cartridge design and performance.  It also follows our tradition for our complete line of cartridges - full restoration and stylus rebuilding when the time comes at 20% of its price ~ $299 for rebuild. And we can do it many times over for you. Imagine that - A new Zephyr MKIII cartridge for $299, every time it's needed. 

The Soundsmith Zephyr MkIII enjoys a great history, starting with the well loved VPI Zephyr  original, which evolved into the well known Zephyr MKII. In our effort to bring you even higher definition without increase in cost, we introduce the NEW Zephyr MKIII. It features a newly developed aluminum alloy that provides smooth response without masking critical details. This new metal alloy has unique dualistic properties, providing stiffness in the ranges required as well as damping exactly where its needed - and by the proper amount - in the most critical parts of the sonic spectrum. The result  is a cartridge that will slam your Rock and Roll while providing a new level of linearity and clarity for the most complex classical and jazz passages. 

Attached to our new cantilever material is a tiny new super low mass "High Profile" Contact Line diamond we have developed for the new Zephyr MKIII. This stylus traces high frequencies very well, dramatically reducing end of record playback challenges while being far superior to standard elliptical designs. It is a bit less critical in terms of alignment requirement than our OCL stylus design. .  

These improvements are paired with technology borrowed from our higher end line;  "Trickle Down" technology from a unique Dynamic Energy Management System  (DEMS) developed by Soundsmith that moves the damped energy and propagates it properly within the cartridge body. This is a similar system we employ in the Soundsmith's well received and reviewed high end Sussurro Cartridge.

The new Zephyr MKIII is capable of truly remarkable separation and sound stage imaging at a level not previously achievable in a modestly priced design. The composite body and unique DEMS design work in tandem to contribute to the Zephyr MkIII's ability to produce high-end performance from a moderately priced cartridge. Be prepared to sit back and realize......you may have never really  heard your record collection before.

The Zephyr MkIII will provide a level of clarity and beauty that will make you take out your record collection and listen to it all over again.

As always from Soundsmith, all our fixed coil designs are available in dual-coil mono.






Workmanship on this product is warranted for 2 full years




Available As Dual Coil Mono

Yes ($300 additional)

Additional Specifications

Type: • Fixed Coil / Moving Iron
Mount: • Standard ½”
Cartridge Height:

• WITHOUT ALUMINA inserts = .675”  top to stylus tip – with two half round alumina pieces for ground isolation add .010”

• WITH center slot full round Alumina (use for azimuth adjustment if your arm does NOT allow such)  = .733”
Stylus:    • Contact Line, Nude, 0.10 mm square

Stylus: • Ultra Low Mass Nude High Profile Contact Line
Radius of Curvature: • 6 x 17 µm
Cantilever: • New Soundsmith Aluminun Aluminum Alloy
Recommended Tracking Force: • 1.8 - 2.2 g
Effective Tip Mass: • 0.28 mg
Compliance: • 10 µm/mN
Frequence Response: • 15 - 45,000 Hz ± 2.0 dB
Channel Separation @ 1000 Hz: • > 28 dB
• N/A (Mono version)
Channel Separation @ 50 - 15,000 Hz: • > 25 dB
• N/A (Mono version)
Channel Difference: • < 1.0 dB
• < 0.5 dB (Dual Mono w/optimal VTF setting)
Output Voltage @ 5cm/sec: • > 2.40 mV (HIGH)
DC Resistance (DCR): • 680Ω
Coil Inductance per channel: • 190 mH
Suggested Preamp Gain: • 38 - 44 dB
Cartridge Weight: • 12.2 g (ES series)
Recommended Load Resistance: • ≥ 47kΩ
Recommended Load Capacitance: • n/a

They Said What?

"I never understood the cult status of these discs until the Soundsmith Zephyr MK III ES landed in my system."

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Peekskill, NY 10566

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Pedro Perdomo, Logistics Support and General Inquiries

1 914 752 9136



For Distributor and Dealer Inquiries ONLY:
Peter Ledermann - President / Chief Engineer - Phone: 914 739 2885
