How to Send Your Cartridge in for Service

Sometimes the only way to determine the best method for restoration is to evaluate the complete status of the cartridge. I am unable to fully diagnose any cartridge long distance. Photos are not adequate as it must go under my microscope to provide you with rebuild costs. In such cases, an evaluation is suggested.

If you have never used our services before, we recommend you read this page (click this please)

To send us your cartridge:

1)  If you have never done so, you will need to register on our website. Please register (only ONCE please) and you will be given a password (if you have forgotten your password, the site will send it to you.). That password is good from then on for any repair work you may ever need. Click this link, then click New Repair button, and click “Not registered yet?”
2)  When you register and are given your password, go back to the link, click NEW REPAIR, and enter your Email and password, and then enter your cartridge information for the repair you are requesting. This should take only a few minutes to do.  

3)  Our system will alert you via email whenever the status of the repair changes, such as: "Your cartridge arrived,"  any problems during repair, or "cartridge finished!" You can also log in and check the status of your cartridge at any time.

Repair Options:

1)  If we have given you a price range via Email or on the phone, select the box that says “OTHER” and type in the range we gave you. This saves us the time of having to wade through our communications.

2)  You may chose the level of rebuild you desire; if the level you choose is not possible for your cartridge, we will notify you. “Retipping only” is more expensive, but has zero risk, and is the way to go if the cantilever on your cartridge is not damaged. work.   Certain cartridges require considerable time and far more effort to rebuild properly - high end Clearaudio, Koetsu, and others. If you select one of the ranges shown for these models or others and it does NOT apply to your make and model, we will contact you before starting the repair.


You can see the basic repair levels for MC and MM CARTRIDGES by clicking this  

3)  You may choose to have us perform a full evaluation for $75. That fee can be applied towards repair, assuming the unit can be repaired. Please also leave us some written information you believe to be important for us to know.
The site will let you print out a shipping label, with your RA (Repair Authorization) number on it. That RA number on the label will allow us to receive your cartridge and match it up with the information you left us online.
Quality work takes time. Please allow between 8-14 weeks for rebuild. If you own a Soundsmith designed and built cartridge, or original B&O cartridges, the repair time is 2-4 weeks. If you send it in for a paid evaluation, please allow 1-4 weeks. You will not lose your place in line by choosing to have an evaluation first.  

IMPORTANT: Assuming we are able to rebuild your cartridge, you must tell us when you fill out the repair form if you wish to insure your cartridge for return, and how much to insure it for. (Note: The maximum insured value must not exceed the most recently published manufacturer's retail price.) If you do not tell us how much to insure it for, we will ship it back UNINSURED.

Shipping outside of the US:

Almost all countries charge import Duty or VAT; we do not control this. We cannot invoice for less than what we charged for the repair so you can avoid VAT or import duty, as it is illegal for us to do so.
The insurance value will not affect VAT. The cost for insurance is $0.85 (85 cents) per $100. We will add that to the shipping cost.

Note: If you are shipping from CANADA:

You must declare the value of your broken cartridge at less than $200 to avoid incoming tariffs here in the US.
If you choose to declare it at a higher value, you must ship it as "Free Domicile" and you will pay tariffs.
Failure to observe these may result in our refusing the package.
We recommend you ask at Canada UPS for it to be classified as "Canadian property sent for repair, to be RETURNED to Canada."
Many thanks!

They Said What?

"The Otello powers through Hollywood Nights with an assurance and sense of drive that makes for a very entertaining performance. The instruments come out of the mix in a pleasingly three dimensional way and are topped off with an excellent rendition of Bob Seger’s vocals. The claim of reduced inertia from this fi xed-coil cartridge system seems to translate into a coherent and lively rhythmic performance."

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Soundsmith HQ
8 John Walsh Blvd
Suite 417
Peekskill, NY 10566

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Logistics and General Inquiries:
Pedro Perdomo, Logistics Support and General Inquiries

1 914 752 9136



For Distributor and Dealer Inquiries ONLY:
Peter Ledermann - President / Chief Engineer - Phone: 914 739 2885