Sussurro mkII Gold


Sussurro mkII Gold


  The GOLD version employs a Solid Boron cantilever and extremely low mass Contact Line stylus. It features an even lower internal moving mass than the normal Sussurro design. It is very fast and detailed without being harsh. Soundstage and depth are uniquely present and make for long listening sessions without fatigue.

 Like all Soundsmith designs, it can always be rebuilt many times – for this model - $750 -  12% of the normal Sussurro retail price.


8 John Walsh Blvd., Suite 417
Peekskill, NY 10566 USA


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They Said What?

I listened to this cartridge for about two months, for full break-in, even though it had about 30 hours on it as stated in a note with the delivery package. Several hundred hours later, I realized I was enjoying it more and more, and only then decided to run it through the test process.

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