Worth the wait

Mr. Lederman,

Last week I purchased a Sussuro Gold MkII ES from Music Direct. It’s been mated with a Kuzma 4point 9”, on a Sota Sapphire VII. This has been 50+ years in the making. I’m sitting listening to Roxy Music Avalon. Simply magic. Having covered many genres and artists in the last few days I can say, without fear of being contradicted, that this cartridge is delicious. Sketches of Spain. Detail, soundstage, dynamics, air, articulation….. DAMN! James Newton Howard and Friends. How is this possible? And I thought I knew this recording inside out. God, at the detail.

I’ve been sitting with closed eyes and open ears in a state of amazement.I have music. Everything else disappears. You can’t put a price on that.Pat Metheny, From This Place. Track one, America Undefined. The effin train just took out my walls.

Thank you for making such an incredible instrument!
Can goosebumps become permanent?

Most sincerely,

David R

They Said What?

"I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ve been smitten with SoundSmith speakers for a long time. I’ve always thought they sounded extraordinary and completely out of character with their modest appearance. Peter’s set-up at High End 2019 was no less impressive. My notes consist of a single line: “Spectacular, as usual.” I stopped there because I knew I would memorize everything about the sound in the room."

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Peter Ledermann - President / Chief Engineer - Phone: 914 739 2885
