B&O Cartridges

Ready to buy and already know the Model you need, Here is the Order Form

Installing your cartridge, and other useful Videos (click this)

Need a new B&O cartridge? You have come to literally the best place in the world for the solution. We are the only manufactuer of these cartridges, and we are authorized to do so under liscence by Bang and Olufsen. They are fully warranteed against  manufacturing defect for one full year. Soundsmith is the number one source world-wide for NEW replacement and rebuild services for certain models of B&O cartridges. Want to upgrade your cartridge and performance?  Easily done. The B&O plug-in replacement cartridge design allows use of a wide range of cartridge models and performance for each turntable model. To avoid ordering the wrong cartridge, PLEASE use our easy to use LOOK UP turntable model/cartridge chart. Cartridges may be returned within 30 days IF and only IF the tamper seal is intact and has not been removed. There is a restocking fee of 15%.  

(Do you want to use a B&O cartridge on a NON-B&O turntable? You now can, with our NEW B&O adapter - Please click this !)


We also sell a ½" adapter (pictured left) allowing this series of cartridges to be used in non-B&O turntables. Click on this link for more details.

Use these links to help you find exactly what you're looking for for B&O cartridges:

I would like to see the cartridge models that are available

I would like to see the models that are available for my turntable

Know your B&O turntable model? Try our quick lookup tool !

Ready to buy and already know the Model you need, Here is the Order Form

They Said What?

"If I had to live with just one cartridge, I would choose the Paua, because it offers more with a wider range of the recordings in my collection. As it stands, the cartridge will be happily employed spinning records in the future, as we have added it to our reference fleet."

- Jeff Dorgay, TONE

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Soundsmith HQ
8 John Walsh Blvd
Suite 417
Peekskill, NY 10566

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Pedro Perdomo, Logistics Support and General Inquiries

1 914 752 9136



For Distributor and Dealer Inquiries ONLY:
Peter Ledermann - President / Chief Engineer - Phone: 914 739 2885
