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My grandmother taught me that a special offer doesn't have to be cheaper
than the regular offer. How right she was.

Because a special offer like this pickup is more expensive than its normal
counterpart. In return, we can expect something special.


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Product(s) Reviewed:

Back when I was starting to get serious about audio equipment, a long-time audiophile friend of mine offered me his collection of back issues of The Absolute Sound. I was a fan of TAS and eagerly accepted. For the next few months, night after night, I read, from cover to cover, all of those issues in chronological order. It was a fascinating dig into the early history of high-end audio and the culture that developed around it.

Product(s) Reviewed:

Singular driving force behind the revival of the strain gauge generator system first seen in phono pick-ups from the '60-70s, Soundsmith's latest offering is nothing if not flexible

Product(s) Reviewed:

"I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ve been smitten with SoundSmith speakers for a long time. I’ve always thought they sounded extraordinary and completely out of character with their modest appearance. Peter’s set-up at High End 2019 was no less impressive. My notes consist of a single line: “Spectacular, as usual.” I stopped there because I knew I would memorize everything about the sound in the room."

Product(s) Reviewed:

Not so much thinking out of the box but making a whole new box, Paul Rigby reviews the Paua Mk.II cartridge

Product(s) Reviewed:

"I love the fact that I can get this level of performance from a phonograph cartridge without needing a step-up transformer to accomplish it. It's a satisfying and liberating feeling!

I think the new Zephyr Mk III phonograph cartridge at the heart of your audio system would be a superb choice, and as such I heartily recommend it to you.

Product(s) Reviewed:

" let me conclude instead by saying that I predict you'll love the Carmen Mk II's way with music, and as such I enthusiastically recommended the Soundsmith Carmen Mk II to you! "

Product(s) Reviewed:


They Said What?

I played this album a few times on my system before adding the Zephyr MK III ES. I found it far superior to the CDs I'd listened to, with excellent tone on Miles' trumpet and a deep and wide soundstage. But when I listened to it the first time with the Zephyr MK III ES, it was another level of cool. Right off the bat, the surface noise was down, significantly. Secondly, the soundstage was deeper and wider than I have ever heard on my system before. James Cobb's snare had more snap and his high hat took on more air. Song after song, I was completely engaged in the music.

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