Soundsmith Zephyr MK III ES Phono Cartridge Review (UPDATE!)

"I never understood the cult status of these discs until the Soundsmith Zephyr MK III ES landed in my system."



  Back when I was starting to get serious about audio equipment, a long-time audiophile friend of mine offered me his collection of back issues of The Absolute Sound. I was a fan of TAS and eagerly accepted. For the next few months, night after night, I read, from cover to cover, all of those issues in chronological order. It was a fascinating dig into the early history of high-end audio and the culture that developed around it. One of the important discoveries made by Harry Pearson and his minions, was the sonic superiority of the old RCA "Shaded Dog" and Mercury records. {full review at Enjoy the Music click here}



Product(s) Reviewed:

They Said What?

"The Voice ... is without a doubt the best non-moving coil cartridge I have heard and I would rank it in the top five of any cartridges I have ever heard."

- Jack Roberts, Dagogo

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