Soundsmith Customer Testimonials

Worth the wait

I’ve been sitting with closed eyes and open ears in a state of amazement.I have music. Everything else disappears. You can’t put a price on that.Pat Metheny, From This Place. Track one, America Undefined. The effin train just took out my walls.

Hyperion for Crescendo

Subject: Re: Hyperion for Crescendo

Hello Mr. Ledermann

I am the customer that purchased the referenced Hyperion cartridge from Matt and his team at Crescendo Fine Audio.  This was to replace the Paua low output cartridge that I was using with an SME V tonearm and SME 15MKII turntable.  The performance of the Paua was very good.

Wow, just wow!

Thank you for bringing such an amazing product to market! I know I’ll be a lifelong customer, upgrading as I go. Thank you!!

Strain Gauge SG-410

What it does is to my ears, staggering. It shocks me, often - the speed, delicacy, slam, openness, detail, dynamics, tonal qualities, are like nothing else I have owned.

B&O MMC2 rebuild

I(t) sounds extremely good.    A couple of photos... first is of the cart after it was installed, second is the TT

Soundsmith SMMC3

The new cartridge has arrived today and I have fitted it to my B&O Beogram 5000.  I am absolutely delighted with the sound output that the product delivers.  Simply... Stunning.  Thank you ever so much.  I have a Beogram 5005 which I think that I will upgrade in the New Year with another SMMC3 from you.

Denon DL-103R Re-tipping

"I couldn't be happier with the SoundSmith re-tipping service on my Denon DL-103R cartridge. I opted for the Ruby/CL rebuild, and there is a very noticeable improvement from the stock stylus. Now I have to listen to all my records again to see what I've been missing!"

Soundsmith Strain Gauge cartridge system

There is no other cartridge of such high quality capable of accepting complete stylus assemblies.  In fact I would say there is simply no other cartridge of such high quality but to put it to work on 78s is an absolute revelation.

Zephyr MIMC Star ES

I could list several ways in which the improvement is even greater
than I had thought it might be.  But perhaps the most significant, in my mind, is the nuance I now hear quite regularly that I had not heard before and I've been playing mostly LPs I've had for 40 or 50 years


Words will never by able to convey what the ears hear.
So, didn't want to wax on too long, but wanted to offer a pat on the back for allowing me the pleasure. I can't wait to listen some more.


They Said What?

I played this album a few times on my system before adding the Zephyr MK III ES. I found it far superior to the CDs I'd listened to, with excellent tone on Miles' trumpet and a deep and wide soundstage. But when I listened to it the first time with the Zephyr MK III ES, it was another level of cool. Right off the bat, the surface noise was down, significantly. Secondly, the soundstage was deeper and wider than I have ever heard on my system before. James Cobb's snare had more snap and his high hat took on more air. Song after song, I was completely engaged in the music.

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Pedro Perdomo, Logistics Support and General Inquiries

1 914 752 9136



For Distributor and Dealer Inquiries ONLY:
Peter Ledermann - President / Chief Engineer - Phone: 914 739 2885