Soundsmith SMMC3

Hello Soundsmith from Manchester, United Kingdom,

About three weeks ago. I decided to sort out something that I have been tormented with for many months following a very poor technical and commercial experience from a 'so called expert' in the UK who advertises on Ebay for re-tipping B&O cartridges.

I have heard of Soundsmith and your product for a number of years, but you are a very long way from my home city of Manchester in the UK.  After quite a bit of thinking, I decided to make the plunge and see if I was going to be 'ripped-off' by another audio 'expert'.  I HAVE NOT BEEN !  I am a very happy customer of Soundsmith and would like to recommend the company in whatever way is appropriate.

I purchased a Soundsmith SMMC3 and paid for it via Paypal.  I waited.

The new cartridge has arrived today and I have fitted it to my B&O Beogram 5000.  I am absolutely delighted with the sound output that the product delivers.  Simply... Stunning.  Thank you ever so much.  I have a Beogram 5005 which I think that I will upgrade in the New Year with another SMMC3 from you.

It has been an absolute pleasure dealing with you.  If my feedback, in any way might help you to reassure any other potential customer elsewhwere in the World, feel free to use it with my pleasure.  The UPS service was excellent.

All the very best wishes.

Keith Bentley


United Kingdom


P.S.   Peter's videos on Youtube have been a pleasure to watch. Please pass

my best regards on to him.


They Said What?

"We listened to some music. The sound was not prickly or thorny at all. It was clean, clear, and immediate—bold and well-controlled—with vibrant colors and good senses of rhythm, touch, and scale."

- Stephen Mejias, Stereophile

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1 914 752 9136



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Peter Ledermann - President / Chief Engineer - Phone: 914 739 2885