B&O MMC2 rebuild

From: Ian Fenn
Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2020 1:56 AM
To: Peter Ledermann
Subject: Re: RA21634 B&O MMC2

Thank you very much

the cartridge(B&O MMC2)  has been fitted to the tone arm( SME 3009 improved S2 fixed head-shell; effective mass 6.5g)   when I set the anti skate( using an unpressed record) I found at the indicated(1g) setting on the arm  the cart just sat exactly where it landed on the turning record.   One notch either side it would drift in/out.  I am guessing that's better than expected.  I sounds extremely good.    A couple of photos... first is of the cart after it was installed, second is the TT



They Said What?

"The Soundsmith Carmen's ultra-low-mass MI assembly plays with more agility, is more naturally detailed, and sounds less stressed than any MC I'm aware of. Its treble is not dull or rolled off—it's just the most authentic treble I've experienced from a phonographic transducer." 

- Herb Recihert, Stereophile

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