Strain Gauge SG-410

The Strain Gauge SG-410 has been up and running in my system again for a few weeks now...
I just wanted to convey my thanks for getting this done, and to hear this again on my main deck is, well, difficult to find the words. What it does is to my ears, staggering. It shocks me, often - the speed, delicacy, slam, openness, detail, dynamics, tonal qualities, are like nothing else I have owned. I have had absolutely no issues with tracking difficult discs either....

Thanks you again,
with best regards,
Rob Dyson

They Said What?

"If you pass on the Sussurro because it’s not as expensive as the other cartridges, or it’s not a moving-coil, or it doesn’t have Japanese mysticism attached, you are making an error. This cartridge is the real deal, and is very enthusiastically recommended."

- Philip Holmes, Dagogo

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