Grace F9 Replacement Stylus

NEW!! FIVE GRACE F9 Replacement stylus are now available!
All models are 25 x 10-6cm/Dyne (dynamic compliance)
Soundsmith OCL Nude stylus-Ruby Cantilever RUBY-OCL (RED) $499
Soundsmith laser mounted CL Nude stylus- Sapphire Cantilever "RUBY"- CL (RED) $399**
Soundsmith Nude CL Stylus-Aluminum Cantilever RS-9U (BLUE) $299
Soundsmith Nude Elliptical stylus-Aluminum Cantilever RS-9E (BLUE) $199
NEW - low cost Soundsmith Bonded Elliptical design - Alum Cantilever RS-9EB (GREEN) $149 (not shown) - VERY limited supply - for "general purpose" use.
** - We are now supplying the "Ruby-CL" as a Sapphire cantilever, laser drill mounted CL stylus
(Ruby and Sapphire are identical materials - only the color differentiates the two)
NEW !! VERY LIMITED SUPPLY !! Once their gone, that’s it!
Hand made by the company you trust – Soundsmith – One year warranty!
OUR NEW LOWEST COST "GENERAL PURPOSE" GRACE STYLI from Soundsmith RS-9EB - tracks well at 1.5 grams – Good linear performance and natural tone; – Great for general purpose use OR buy several for the future - OR let the kids beat up this one!
General descriptions:
The Aluminum bonded Elliptical RS-9EB ($149.95) Very good quality playback - Rugged design, Great for general purpose use or let the kids use this one!!! (Green body - not shown below - VERY limited supply)
The Aluminum Nude Elliptical - RS-9E ($199) Provides high quality vinyl playback. Low mass nude elliptical stylus
The Aluminum Nude CONTACT LINE RS-9U ($299) Features a fine line contact low mass stylus (better high frequency playback)
RUBY-CL - (Model RCCN) Sapphire cantilever laser drilled for Nude Contact Line Stylus - ($399) - Excellent playback - fine line stylus profile with ultra-low mass Sapphire cantilever laser drilled to accept low mass CL stylus.
RUBY-OCL - (Model RCONS) Our top shelf Ruby cantilever and OCL stylus ($499) delivers the absolute finest high frequency tracing of inner grooves possible. Requires careful setup and somewhat more frequent cleaning as per our coin/Blue stick method on our stylus cleaning page
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These are photos of our NEW Soundsmith replacement styli - all 4 models.
All models personally built by Peter Ledermann. These are in LIMITED PRODUCTION - once more will be made. These ship from stock, or within 2 weeks time.
Additional images