Grace F9 Replacement Stylus

NEW!! FIVE GRACE F9 Replacement stylus are now available!

All models are 25 x 10-6cm/Dyne  (dynamic compliance)

Soundsmith OCL Nude stylus-Ruby Cantilever RUBY-OCL (RED)  $499
Soundsmith laser mounted CL Nude stylus- Sapphire Cantilever "RUBY"- CL (RED)  $399**
Soundsmith Nude CL Stylus-Aluminum Cantilever RS-9U (BLUE)  $299
Soundsmith Nude Elliptical stylus-Aluminum Cantilever RS-9E (BLUE)  $199 

NEW - low cost Soundsmith Bonded Elliptical design - Alum Cantilever RS-9EB (GREEN) $149 (not shown) - VERY limited supply - for "general purpose" use.

** - We are now supplying the "Ruby-CL" as a Sapphire cantilever, laser drill mounted CL stylus

(Ruby and Sapphire are identical materials - only the color differentiates the two)  

NEW !! VERY LIMITED SUPPLY !! Once their gone, that’s it!
Hand made by the company you trust – Soundsmith – One year warranty!

OUR NEW LOWEST COST "GENERAL PURPOSE" GRACE STYLI from Soundsmith RS-9EB - tracks well at 1.5 grams – Good linear performance and natural tone; – Great for general purpose  use OR buy several for the future  - OR let the kids beat up this one!


General descriptions:

The Aluminum bonded Elliptical RS-9EB ($149.95) Very good quality playback - Rugged design, Great for general purpose use or let the kids use this one!!!  (Green body - not shown below - VERY limited supply)

The Aluminum Nude Elliptical - RS-9E ($199) Provides high quality vinyl playback. Low mass nude elliptical stylus

The Aluminum Nude CONTACT LINE RS-9U  ($299) Features a fine line contact low mass stylus (better high frequency playback)

RUBY-CL - (Model RCCN) Sapphire cantilever laser drilled for Nude Contact Line Stylus - ($399) - Excellent playback - fine line stylus profile with ultra-low mass Sapphire cantilever laser drilled to accept low mass CL stylus.

RUBY-OCL - (Model RCONS) Our top shelf Ruby cantilever and OCL stylus ($499) delivers the absolute finest high frequency tracing of inner grooves possible. Requires careful setup and somewhat more frequent cleaning as per our coin/Blue stick method on our stylus cleaning page


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These are photos of our NEW Soundsmith replacement styli - all 4 models.

All models personally built by Peter Ledermann. These are in LIMITED PRODUCTION - once more will be made. These ship from stock, or within 2 weeks time. 

Additional images

They Said What?

"The Soundsmith Carmen's ultra-low-mass MI assembly plays with more agility, is more naturally detailed, and sounds less stressed than any MC I'm aware of. Its treble is not dull or rolled off—it's just the most authentic treble I've experienced from a phonographic transducer." 

- Herb Recihert, Stereophile

About These Products:

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8 John Walsh Blvd
Suite 417
Peekskill, NY 10566

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Pedro Perdomo, Logistics Support and General Inquiries

1 914 752 9136



For Distributor and Dealer Inquiries ONLY:
Peter Ledermann - President / Chief Engineer - Phone: 914 739 2885