Paua mkII

I'm the guy with the haunted ZYX R100. I just got my new Paua II yesterday, and I want to thank you. You took care of me better than I deserved. This is the best cartridge I've ever owned, or even heard...anywhere. Zero sibilance, and absolutely effortless sound (just for starters). You already know this, I'm sure : >. I'm getting more out of my old VPI HW19 Jr. than I thought it had to give. I can tell this is heirloom quality, and I'm totally sold on the fixed coil idea. This is the sort of quality I hope for when buying American. I've already told anyone who will listen that they'd be a fool not to consider one of your cartridges. I'm sure I'll be contacting you about a rebuild someday. I intend to wear this thing out!


Bruce Kasprzyk

They Said What?

"The Otello powers through Hollywood Nights with an assurance and sense of drive that makes for a very entertaining performance. The instruments come out of the mix in a pleasingly three dimensional way and are topped off with an excellent rendition of Bob Seger’s vocals. The claim of reduced inertia from this fi xed-coil cartridge system seems to translate into a coherent and lively rhythmic performance."

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