
Thanks Peter, I will include Peter L. on this reply.  I mounted this new sealed Hyperion Friday afternoon, what a perfect way to spend a cold and wet afternoon in the mancave.  After one hour of break in time, I can't believe my ears.  I have been borrowing an early production Hyperion from a dear friend while in attempting to get Clearaudio to warrant my new Goldfinger Statement.  Unfortunately for me, Clearaudio denied the warranty and 'generously' offered to warranty exchange my defective Goldfinger with a new one for only $9000!   

To the point, the borrowed Hyperion destroyed the sound of the Goldfinger in every concevible manor.  Shock of shocks, this new Hyperion is much improved over it's older brother.  I didn't think it possible, but Peter has taken the Hyperion to a whole new level.  In my opinion, the new Hyperion is without question the finest magnetic cartridge made today. Looking forward to the next few weeks of final break in.   

Dennis P

They Said What?

A wild departure from the MM/MC norm, Soundsmith's SG joins a select group including TechDAS' TDC01 Ti, top Koetsus and others of that ilk, as well as the equally-unusual DS Audio designs.

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