The Voice

Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2018 1:55 PM
Subject: The Voice
Greetings and Happy New Year Peter,
You spoke with me this past November when I ordered an HC Voice for my SME III tonearm.  We discussed the merits of the high compliance model for my setup.  The match has been quite extraordinary.  I was using an MMC1 for which you had previously rebuilt the suspension.  It was my favorite cartridge of all time.  Your Voice has exceeded what I thought might be possible from vinyl reproduction.  I am currently playing the Telarc 1812 Overture.  This is the only record I have ever been able to observe movement of the cantilever with my naked eye during play. The cannon blasts are possibly the highest velocity recording I own.  The Voice tracked all the way through at 1.1 grams without skipping out of the groove during the highest modulations.  The detail and definition of bells against the drama of bass drums makes the record invisible.  All of this with little or no break-in time.  I am well pleased and want to thank you for your skill as a cartridge manufacturer and kindness in personally responding to my queries at the time of purchase.  Your company is a wonderful example of what an American business can offer when integrity and personal contact are value added to a fine product.
Thank you,
Arthur Thiele

They Said What?

I played this album a few times on my system before adding the Zephyr MK III ES. I found it far superior to the CDs I'd listened to, with excellent tone on Miles' trumpet and a deep and wide soundstage. But when I listened to it the first time with the Zephyr MK III ES, it was another level of cool. Right off the bat, the surface noise was down, significantly. Secondly, the soundstage was deeper and wider than I have ever heard on my system before. James Cobb's snare had more snap and his high hat took on more air. Song after song, I was completely engaged in the music.

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