Hyperion for Crescendo

Subject: Re: Hyperion for Crescendo

Hello Mr. Ledermann

I am the customer that purchased the referenced Hyperion cartridge from Matt and his team at Crescendo Fine Audio.  This was to replace the Paua low output cartridge that I was using with an SME V tonearm and SME 15MKII turntable.  The performance of the Paua was very good.

After the guys at Crescendo installed the cartridge and a couple of days of listening to the Hyperion I am so impressed by the quality of the soundstage and image that I'm hearing I just wanted to send this note to thank you for building a cartridge with this level of performance. The Paua is no slouch but the Hyperion brings the analog side of my listening up to another level.  It's absolutely the best cartridge I've heard to date on my system.

Mark Katrosh


They Said What?

"The Otello powers through Hollywood Nights with an assurance and sense of drive that makes for a very entertaining performance. The instruments come out of the mix in a pleasingly three dimensional way and are topped off with an excellent rendition of Bob Seger’s vocals. The claim of reduced inertia from this fi xed-coil cartridge system seems to translate into a coherent and lively rhythmic performance."

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