
Sibilance can be caused by many aspects of analog vinyl replay.

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The Alto tone arm - Designed by Frank Schröder

The Schröder ALTO Tone Arm -

Lets talk EXCITEMENT!!!

Many audiophiles around the world know about Frank Schröder and his tone arms. Many folks wish they could own one. But the demand is high, and the supply is....well.....Frank hand builds each one. So waiting to get yours can take some time.....but not anymore.

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They Said What?

"The Soundsmith Carmen's ultra-low-mass MI assembly plays with more agility, is more naturally detailed, and sounds less stressed than any MC I'm aware of. Its treble is not dull or rolled off—it's just the most authentic treble I've experienced from a phonographic transducer." 

- Herb Recihert, Stereophile

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Pedro Perdomo, Logistics Support and General Inquiries

1 914 752 9136



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Peter Ledermann - President / Chief Engineer - Phone: 914 739 2885