Cartridges from Soundsmith, etc

The Zephyr MIMC is the cheapest of Soundsmith's four low-output fixed coil models but said to utilize much of the $4,999 Sussurro model's technology.

The endearing Otello is Soundsmith's invitation model and cheapest in their range. But don't let its affordable price tag lull you into thinking it's a sonic dullard. Within its design parameters, the Otello really swings, delivering a satisfying mid-fi performance that's truly alluring. So a natural rival for the Otello had to be none other than my long-term mid to upper mid-fi reference, the $599 Garrott P77i.

Product(s) Reviewed:

They Said What?

“When the needle dropped on the lead groove, it started showing off immediately. The Paua II was giving me more image solidity than I’d heard before. Images were more three dimensional and alive, more palpable.”

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