Soundsmith Aida Ebony Phono Cartridge: Looking For Your Last Best Cartridge? This Could Be It, At A Decent Price!

Soundsmith Aida Ebony Phono Cartridge: Looking For Your Last Best Cartridge? This Could Be It, At A Decent Price!

Once upon a time I was quite enamored of the top-of-the-line Shure cartridges for their musical accuracy (was that their slogan then?), superb tracking, and other audible virtues. Then, I ventured into the world of moving coils from such companies as Ortofon, Dynavector, Fidelity Research, and so on. There I found greater dynamic performance, a seemingly closer-to-the-vinyl sense of rightness, and, of course, much higher prices. ...

Product(s) Reviewed:

They Said What?

"If I had to live with just one cartridge, I would choose the Paua, because it offers more with a wider range of the recordings in my collection. As it stands, the cartridge will be happily employed spinning records in the future, as we have added it to our reference fleet."

- Jeff Dorgay, TONE

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