Paua mkII

I'm the guy with the haunted ZYX R100. I just got my new Paua II yesterday, and I want to thank you. You took care of me better than I deserved. This is the best cartridge I've ever owned, or even heard...anywhere. Zero sibilance, and absolutely effortless sound (just for starters). You already know this, I'm sure : >. I'm getting more out of my old VPI HW19 Jr. than I thought it had to give. I can tell this is heirloom quality, and I'm totally sold on the fixed coil idea. This is the sort of quality I hope for when buying American. I've already told anyone who will listen that they'd be a fool not to consider one of your cartridges. I'm sure I'll be contacting you about a rebuild someday. I intend to wear this thing out!


Bruce Kasprzyk

They Said What?

I played this album a few times on my system before adding the Zephyr MK III ES. I found it far superior to the CDs I'd listened to, with excellent tone on Miles' trumpet and a deep and wide soundstage. But when I listened to it the first time with the Zephyr MK III ES, it was another level of cool. Right off the bat, the surface noise was down, significantly. Secondly, the soundstage was deeper and wider than I have ever heard on my system before. James Cobb's snare had more snap and his high hat took on more air. Song after song, I was completely engaged in the music.

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