The Voice

   Since repair of my cartridge [Clearaudio Concerto] wasn’t possible, my search led to Soundsmith’s The Voice.  It's probably my last cartridge.  Dynamics, imaging and scale are all important, but transparency is my personal holy grail and that is one of many places where The Voice shines.  It’s a wonderful  cartridge.









The Voice also has a v-shaped extension over the cantilever and stylus that makes it tough to damage.  Having knocked off the cantilever of my previous cartridge twice because it protruded well beyond the front, that’s a big deal for me.


Almost as important is the man behind Soundsmith, Peter Ledermann.  Considering the breadth and artistry embodied in the design of his cartridges, he’s remarkably responsive and accessible.  I have talked with Peter on several occasions and he is not only there to help and advise but he is truly a gentleman.  One of the perks of our audiophile obsession is the opportunity to talk personally with some of its best designers.

-- Chris Bennion







They Said What?

"If you pass on the Sussurro because it’s not as expensive as the other cartridges, or it’s not a moving-coil, or it doesn’t have Japanese mysticism attached, you are making an error. This cartridge is the real deal, and is very enthusiastically recommended."

- Philip Holmes, Dagogo

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8 John Walsh Blvd
Suite 417
Peekskill, NY 10566

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Logistics and General Inquiries:
Pedro Perdomo, Logistics Support and General Inquiries

1 914 752 9136



For Distributor and Dealer Inquiries ONLY:
Peter Ledermann - President / Chief Engineer - Phone: 914 739 2885