Zephyr III

Hi! I noticed that some customers left some comments for your products, and so I thought I'd send some unsolicited comments of my own. I just recently bought the Zephyr III. All my expectation were met (and I admit they were very high).

I like how it's got the beef I like from Moving Magnets, but free from the sluggishness and bloat that I think of with Moving Magnets. It's got the detail I like from Moving Coils, but is free from the harshness (sometimes even shrillness) that even some multi-thousand dollar Moving Coils can have. I can't understand how SoundSmith cartridges can retrieve so much detail yet ignore so much surface noise! I haven't heard ANY other cartridges and ANY price that can so effortlessly reject surface noise without compromising the detail or hacking high frequencies. Not to mention the effortless tracking.

I notice few manufactures use Moving Iron, but this makes me ask: "Why are other manufacturers bothering with anything else?". The best of both MM and MC while avoiding the problems of both with the certainty of serviceability. I already bought it, so now I can let you know that you're underpricing these.


Eric Lubaczweski


They Said What?

"The Voice will wring every last drop of performance from it at a price that, in a world where most competitors go for two, three and four grand (up to ten large), is extremely reasonable and probably a great bargain. It is easily a reference quality cartridge with the added edge of being supremely musical, which is why Peter is going to have to pry this thing from my cold, bloody hand to get it back!"

- James Darby, StereoMojo

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