cartridge installation

Sibilance can be caused by many aspects of analog vinyl replay.

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Azimuth adjustment is important

Azimuth (part 1, part 2)

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Yes You Do Need Antiskating

Anti-Skating (part 1, part 2)

It is just plain simple physics. BUT……the industry has gotten it WRONG. (see my notes at the end of this anti-skating message for more details)

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This adjustment provides a best compromise for your “pivoting” arm – it will minimize distortion if done correctly. Please either open the attachment and print it out, OR go to the following website and print out this free overhang gauge – instructions are fairly easy and on the print out itself – PLEASE note if you download the one with the metric grid at the bottom of the gauge, and make sure you have printed it out sized correctly. If not, you may have to enlarge or reduce a bit. I use photo quality paper for my final print out, which make a durable gauge!  

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The answer is Yes, and No. 

Strain Gauge cartridges are "displacement" cartridges, and as a result, are more sensitive to ANTI-SKATING adjustments than magnetic designs. Why??

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- Stephen Mejias, Stereophile

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