cartridge selection

How to Choose a Cartridge

Where do I start?

I am often asked....."What will give me better performance.... putting a $999 cartridge on my $7000 turntable, or putting a $7000 cartridge on my $999 turntable?"

Vocalizing this question to me will sometimes allow customers to hear themselves, and suddenly realize that the answer almost resides in the question. Asking a question like that almost answers itself. The cartridge is doing MOST of the heavy lifting - it has to do a nearly impossible task - far more difficult in many way than the tone arm and the platter.

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They Said What?

"This thing stopped and started faster than any cartridge I've ever heard. The speed and precision of its instrumental attack set new standards for phono cartridges, in my experience, as did its overall transparency and its rhythm'n'pace. In the best sense, it made my Wilson Audio Specialties MAXX 3 speakers sound like electrostatics, but with full bass extension and dynamic capabilities."

- Michael Fremer, Stereophile

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