I wanted to provide our thoughts on the performance of the Hyperion ES MK II
I wanted to provide our thoughts on the performance of the Hyperion ES MK II. The overriding comment is that the Hyperion is the finest cartridge we have ever used. Comparative cartridges have included a broad range of top Japanese and German manufactured units. Among the Hyperion’s attributes and stand-out characteristics are its neutral and precise presentation. Neutral, but not in the sense of bland, emotionless and uninvolving. Neutral in the Hyperion’s case is an instrument that does not accentuated any aspect of the frequency range or cause coloration. There is no loss of information, attack or dynamics – it is all there. The music is lifted from the grooves in an effortless manner enveloping the listener in a massive three dimensional soundstage. Precision. Following sufficient break-in (not long) it is apparent the Hyperion reproduces music as intended. There is a realism to the presentation that other cartridges cannot approach. When you listen via the Hyperion you are playing the music, not the cartridge – it is a perfect reflection of the musicians and their art.
Thank you for such a fine musical instrument. All made in the U.S.A.!
Dale Humphrey
Live Vibe Audio, LLC
(330) 260-6769