Zephyr mkIII

Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2018 2:20 PM
To: Peter Ledermann
Cc: Jason A. Marcum
Subject: RE: [Product Information] Zephyr MKIII and MIMC Star Compatibility with Graham 1.5 and EAR 834P

Dear Peter,

The purpose of this e-mail is to follow up with you and let you know how elated I am with your cartridge!   
In the end, my choice was the MKIII which has surpassed all my expectations!

It was a wild ride during the break-in with both the bass and treble opening up and sometimes taking off.   
They were always clear, never muddy but just increasing in response and depth.

The cartridge has mellowed out and stunning in my system. I am feeding the EAR into 350 W digital mono block amps through custom made Klipschorns (high end drivers) with a crossover of my own design.  Unbelievable and just getting better!

The bass is crisp, clear and crushing and the mid range responsive and smooth.  The treble is the best I have ever heard out of a cartridge on vinyl. The whole system is fast! You can heard the tips of the sticks hitting the cymbals and the picks on the guitar strings.  Outstanding!

Please feel free to use my feedback.

Great work and product!  Thanks!


Jim Russo



They Said What?

" ... it's not even close, as I've never heard any other phono cartridge deliver this type of monstrous sound and flat frequency response without having at least some distracting artifacts. Perhaps the music was simply too engrossing to be able to pin down anything other than the music being reproduced with such a connection to the source. The delivery system seemed to disappear, leaving only music."

- Tom Lyle, Enjoy The Music .com

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